Things That Will Never Be Good Covered in Chocolate

Dane and I, as cheesy and mushy as we are sometimes, are not big into Valentine’s Day, so thinking of something to post today was a little hard. In thinking about a Valentine’s Day food post, chocolate always comes to mind. So, instead of being barf-inducingly romantic, I enlisted Dane and some friends to think of things that we would never eat covered in chocolate.

And here we go…

Blue Cheese

When someone brought this up, it make me shudder a little bit. Somehow, as much as I love cheese and as much as I love chocolate, the idea of eating a hunk of pungent blue cheese covered in milk chocolate does not make me hungry. Maybe I’m the only one.


I have a well known love affair with pickles. But chocolate covered pickles are not delicious in any way. Some would ask how I could say this with such a degree of certainty, but the truth is, I know because I’ve actually tried it before. That’s a story for another time, but I can assure you, chocolate covered pickles are something I could have done without eating in my lifetime.


Not sure how you would even make this happen, but I feel like I can reasonably say it’s something I wouldn’t ever want to taste.


I’m not into eating raw onions like an apple anyway, but covered in chocolate just makes it sound that much worse. Oddly enough, I’ve actually seen a place in Philadelphia that makes chocolate covered onions. Chocolate by Mueller has become legendary for what’s been called “the pet rock of the candy world”.


Now to be fair, I have had anchovies before and liked them as an ingredients in certain dishes. But a whole anchovy dipped in chocolate? Makes me shudder a bit.

This is kind of a fun game and I feel like I could keep going, but I’ll stop being gross now. Time for some champagne and a cheesy romantic movie. Happy Love Day everyone!


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